Life is my litterbox ... Grab the SCOOP!

Saturday, September 16, 2006

DaisyMae's "Word of the Day": SQUAWK BOX

Here's another informative vocabulary lesson to build your FELINE LEXICON ...

From DaisyMae's Feline Dictionary of Terms and Phrases, the phrase of the day is:

SQUAWK BOX (noun) ... skwahk bahkz ... A veritable verbal litter box. The derogatory feline condition characterized by noisy, exuberant "conversation," conveying nothing seemingly important. This feline state can be compared to a similar condition found in human children termed ... in school settings ... "chatter boxes."

Adjective(s): squawky

see also: box of squawks ... The feline exhibiting the loud, talkative behavior should be described as one.

Sentence examples:
1. Sparky Fuzzypants had to sleep in the living room because he was a squawk box who couldn't be quiet!
2. Meemaw, the original squawk box, would hold conversations with dust bunnies, bugs, and catfood kibbles whenever the opportunity presented.

1 comment:

The Fluffy Tribe said...

That is so educational. We will show it to Mom asap ~Merlin, Shadow, KO kO