We wanna wish all of our Valentines an extra wonderful Valentine's Day today!
Charmee is sendin' smooches to Miss Willow ... He's also winkin' at her!
Sweet Miss China Cat is Cocoa Puff's sweetie again this year ...
Pumpkin is extra happy to be Miss Dazey's Valentine for the fourth year in a row ... He's extra happy to tell her that he's feelin' much better an' that he's gettin' his diabetes under control so that they can have MANY more years together as Valentines.
Sparky Fuzzypants is gettin' used to bein' stag on Valentine's Day ... In fact, he's Mom's Valentine an' has been keepin' the foot of her bed extra snuggly today so he can make her some Valentine's Day biscuits ... Hubba, hubba!

An' my Valentine again this year is the super-suave an' totally "geezer"
Rocky the Gutter Cat. He sent a wonderfu present of primo 'nip, a 'nip heart (ready for bunnykickin'), an' a mushy card. I HEART You, too!