By now, efurryone knows that Feline American Pumpkin has diabetes an' is takin' injections of 5 ccs of insulin twice per day, but did you know that Cocoa Francis Puff is ALSO diabetic? Yep, he is ... an' he's takin' 2 ccs of insulin twice per day.
Mom an' Grandma picked up Puffy after his appointment with Dr. Hannigan an' she confirmed his diagnosis with a special glucose test. Puff isn't a big fan of the v-e-t an' really dislikes the stabby place. He's lost about two pounds in six weeks an' I can tell you that some of it was in pee 'cuz that dood was stinky!!!
Mom didn't like Puffy's aroma, so she an' Grandma used some Bed Head spray bath on him. They thought that they could avoid the mega-bitey that way, but he just got sticky an' foamy on his furs. So ... Mom an' Grandma gave him ... a bath. Yep. They hosed an' soaped an' hosed again. Puff was NOT happy an' tried to put the bitey on any pink skin near his teeth. He wasn't successful in puncturing any humans, but he did get clean. He smells much better now an' his furs aren't flaky like a pie crust.
Let's hope that the rest of the Feline Americans (an' me, too!) don't become diabetic cats.