Grandma kept today's appointment at the v-e-t for Puffy and Pumpkin. Both boys had a special "sugar" test for their diabetes to re-evaluate how much insulin they should be taking. Mom was gonna buy more insulin and needles this weekend 'cuz they were running kinda low ... she was prepared for that.
But what happened today? Mom doesn't really understand an' Grandma wasn't too good at explainin' what Dr. Hannigan had said. Needless to say, both boys came home today totally freaked out (ask Mom 'bout the rivulet of pee that led from the livin' room clear down the hallway an' under her bed that Pumpkin made when he was released from the PTU).
Apparently, Puffy's sugar was at 67 an' Pumpkin's was at 43 when they were tested in the early afternoon today. They both got their insulin shots at 8 o'clock this morning as they're supposed to have ... Mom's careful 'bout insulin AND only feeds us the diabetic diet from Prescription Science Diet (although she'd rather we eat the prebiotic diet from Eukanuba). We're all losin' a little bit of weight from the "fat cat" food ... but now NEITHER Pumpkin nor Puffy needs insulin. The v-e-t thinks that their diabetes can be controlled with diet exclusively.
Mom's happy for the boys (an' her pocketbook 'cuz insulin an' needles are pricey), but she's confused, too. Pumpkin had been nearly dead back in early November and became Lazarus-like after the miracle of insulin. What happens now that he's no longer gettin' two shots a day? How's she supposed to watch him drink water an' pee in the litterbox when she's at work?
I've promised to do my best to snoopervise the boys an' report back to Mom with what I see. At least Charmee's still on the Buspirone twice a day. Can you believe that he sits on the floor under where Mom keeps the pills to alert her when it's 8 o'clock an' he is due for another dose? I guess he likes the flavor of the Pill Pockets, right? Or ... It's like I've been singin' all along: Charmee is WEEEIIIRRRRRRDDDDD!