Mom got our Secret Paws package about a week ago from the Man in the Brown Shorts (he's been at our house a whole bunch lately!), and she quickly stuck it under the ChristMaus tree in the living room without looking at the name of the sender 'cuz SHE wanted to be surprised, too!
We kept sneaking under the tree to check on our package to make sure that our Uncle James didn't take it with him when he an' Aunt Lori came to eat dinner last night.
Yep! It was still under the tree this morning when Mom FINALLY got up. I wanted to say in bed an' rest, so I didn't come out to the living room ... But Charmee an' Sparky Fuzzypants were there to snoopervise the retrieving of the package, the opening of the tape, and the PRESENTS inside the box!
But first, we had to check the address label to see WHO our Secret Paws were this ChristMaus: Lo, and behold, our presents came all the way from MARYLAND. We have some friends in Maryland whose bloggie we visit, so we weren't very surprised that our Secret Paws of 2011 were our furry good furriends, Ayla, Iza, Marley, and The Big Thing! If you haven't visited their bloggie, you should! You can find it at Mark's Mews. The Big Thing an' the kitties post efurry day, so there's aways something new going on! The Big Thing also takes many photos of his flowers an' the kitties exploring.
Mom was worried 'bout me, so she only signed the boys up for Secret Paws this year, but The Big Thing thoughtfully bought a present for me: Temptations for Kittens. Mom hadn't been able to find them for me locally, so it was Providence that The Big Thing thought of them and could find them at his Maryland PetSmart. They're chick-hen flavored an' just the right size for my little mouth. I wanna say a personal "thank you" to The Big Thing for this wonderful an' delicious gift!
As you can see from the photos, Charmee was in the packages helpin' to open them, but Sparky Fuzzypants preferred to watch from the safety of the La-Z-Boy.
Look at all of the fabulous stuff! An' it's in my favorite color of purple! There's mousies, an' a stocking of busy balls an' mousies, an' there's some Salmon Temptations an' some crunchies from Whisker Lickins, an' a nifty Kong with fev-vers an' a squishy, crunchy soft toy to bunnykick! Ooo ... an' MORE mousies! An' 'nip cigars with fev-vers, too!
An' The Big Thing even sent a present for Mom! She got some Godiva dark chocolate pearls that she says she loves! She's gonna take them with her to Portland tomorrow in case she needs some calming chocolate for the plane ride (she will!).
So, from sunny Sandy Eggo, we wanna send a huge and grateful "Thank You" to our dear furriends in Maryland at Mark's Mews. Thank you to Iza, Ayla, Marley, an' The Big Thing for all of the wonderful presents an' for making Secret Paws 2011 so PURPLE an' wonderful for us.
Smooches, head butts, and hugs!
DMM, Sparky Fuzzypants, Charmee, and mom, Jessica