As you can see from the photos of our previous contest, Charmee cheats. I plan to put the bitey on him if he pulls any more shenanigans ... Like leaping!
The boy is long, lean, and graceful. He leaps like a Lipizzaner! How can a twelve pound girlie with short legs and a body like a fireplug wrestle the Whirly Bird® away when he can launch himself into the air like a junior bird-man? I'll tell you ... "Old age and treachery will overcome youth and skill" everytime. Just watch me ... I'm sneaky.

Oh, and now for a shameless plug: If you haven't convinced your Food Lady or Food Dude to buy you a handmade Whirly Bird®, then you really should start begging now.
With Valentine's Day coming, your caregiver could "show you the love" by getting you a fabulous Whirly Bird® toy that will bring you hours of fun and some much-needed exercise. Your caregiver can order online using Pay Pal®
and your handmade Whirly Bird® will be at your door in less than ten days (in many cases, less than a week!). Whaddya waitin' for??
Now whirlybird is a game I could get into!
so do you get a cut for every whirly bird sold? (teehee)
sounds like fun at your house today!
Uh oh. We mite haf to konvinse Maw dat we reely needz a Whirly Bird (wid da liddle R in da circle). It luks like funz times 40!
Luf, Us
The Whirly Bird looks like a lot more fun that an football game to me.
we gotta haf one of those! our birfday's comin' up - we're gonna start askin' rite now.
our people didn't watch the tv yesterday eiffur. they wuz makin' oatmeal an raisin cookies. we sniffed 'em, but we wouldn't eat 'em.
I'll have to have Mom check into this Whirly Bird thing. Sure does look like it's fun
dat duz it ...
i'm gettin me a whirly bird!
Lookit da strong leggies holdin you up! Dat whirly birdie shure looks fun!
Oh ... The Whirly Bird is GREAT! The next contest that I have will have one as a prize ... Right, Mom? (Mom says, "Why yes ... of course. Anything you say, DaisyMae. Your wish is my command.")
I second everything she said about the Whirlybird (which is a *real bird, don't let them fool you)!
What do you think it means that we posted at the exact same time? Does that have anything to do with telepathy or something?
That looks like an awful lot of fun. I'm going to tell mom to give me one in exchange for all my tutoring help.
Lux ... It's definitely a cosmic sort of thing.
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