When Mom put the original fans in, it was during "pre-Charmee" times.
The fans didn't take furry long to put up after she started understandin' some of the rudiments of "electrical wiring" ... A couple of false starts, but mostly pretty easy.
Now ... with Charmee on the case ... puttin' up a ceiling fan took A LOT longer. Charmee snoopervises every aspect of a job and has his own checklist.
First, climb the ladder to make sure that the old thing will still hold body weight.

Next, from his vantage point atop the top step, make sure that the ladder is still labelled with "This is NOT a step" sticker.

Survey the view of the living room from the top of the ladder.

Help ... by providing a feline speedbump in the hallway ... when Mom carries the ladder into the bedroom.
While Mom is assembling her tools, sniff efurrything.
Climb the ladder WITH Mom, but don't knock her off-balance ... or off of the ladder.
Inspect j-box. Sniff wires checking for which ones are considered "HOT" ... Notice that none of the wires are pink. Feel disappointed.

Give the "okay" for Mom to install the new fan ...

Take a nap on the bed until all of the work has been accomplished.

Accept concatulations and all of the credit for the installation of the brand-new Hunter ceiling fan. Make demands for payment in the form of his body weight in Temptations®.
UPDATE: Charmee did NOT get the payment he sought, so he exacted his revenge! He leaped up onto the fireplace mantle knocking one of the ceramic pitchers onto the hearth below where it shattered into dozens of sharp pieces.

And now there are only two ...
wow, daisymae, i've always known your mama is brilliant, but i had no idea just how brilliant!
new fans are great! mama needs a new one in her bedroom. it thumps when it's on...so mama doesn't have it on much. although it would probably help.
What, I ask, would the humans do without us?
Good job of snoopervising. We have to do it for all of our beans. And yes, since you didn't get your proper compensation, you protested.
Yoo shooda gotten yoor tem-tay-shuns Charmee, dat wuz only fair fur all da work yoo did. Mom recently replaced da fans in da tv room and da one in da bedroom is making noyze now. She leave em on 24/7 just like yoor mom and dat takes a toll on dem. They've had da one in da bedroom since da old howse and it's 18 years old now. As soon as daddy picks out and buys da one he wants mom will put it up.
Charmee, you's the bestest DIY cat I've met! Too bad bout the Temp-tay-shuns. Uh-oh, now Mom's finkin maybe she'll replace the fan ofur the big bed.
Mine's a fixit Mom, too. When she gotted her firstest compartment, her dad asked what she'd like fur a howse-warmin gift, an she said a lectric crew diver or sumfin. So dat's what he gived her an she still has it.
We are speechless! After you pretty much almost installed that ceiling fan yourself you did not get payed???
And you really worked below minimum wage, as far as we know installations that involve ladders and electrical will have to be paid TWICE your body weight!
You should punish her by withdrawing your affections for at least 24 hours (humans don't take well to that kind of punishment - works like a charm with ours!).
Good luck!
Karl and Anastasia
Wowie, what superduper good kitty snoopervision! Momma sez lotsa times she doesn't know how she ever was able to do anything before we came along to help her out.
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Charmee got some Temptations® today ... and Mom spent some time blowin' bubbles and chasing him with the taco press ... She is pretty quick on the uptake, so she realized that all of her knick knacks are at risk when Charmee's on the warpath.
i'm glad charmee got da temptashunz after all da hard work he did gettin da fan up an runnin!
luv--yer frend--jh
Your mommy is sure smart and a handywoman!! Altho it took a while to install the fans with Charmee there, I am sure she appreciated the quality control!
Your mom is very handy, DaisyMae. Very impressive. :) Charmee did a nice job helping out. Too bad he had to exact revenge for not being paid in Temptations.
Wow, this is an impressive bit of DIY. My humans don't know one end of a screwdriver from another. FAZ
Yur Mom was late but she still deelivered. So let her keep her vases...BTW yu did an outstanding job on helpin install those wind machines.
good for your momma! perhaps she can gif our mommy hints on how to change the ceiling lamp in the dining room that she ruined by spraying raid into it when we was invaded by 1000 hornets in the house.
Wow! Your Mom is very handy! My Mommie's role in installing ceiling fans is more like Charmee's role!
That sounds like a great adventure! Climbing steps/ladders is always fun. And beeing close to your human is VERY important. You always have to check that she/he does everything correctly.
Well done to smash that vase!
I once smashed a glass when I was hunting a fly and jumped on it...
our Lady's installed those thingys before too, but never with Feline Assistance. that must make the job WAY easier. you're obviously furry helpful! we don't mean to spoil all the fun of revenge, but maybe your mom might want to go to Home Depot and buy some earthquake putty to stick under those breakables. we have a problem called My Sister Midnight and, without earthquake putty, we'd have lots less useless decorative items. (you can still pick the things up to dust, but they can't easily be knocked over - it's great stuff)
You am a power tool Mama! Tool girl Momma and Daisy Mae. WE gibs you lots of credit fur being able to put dat light up. We knows how much werk it is to get fings done around da house.
Yoo and yer mum make a grate team Charmee. We don't haf ceiling fans here which is just as well, as our mum's not much good at fings like that. She can do it evenchully, but she's better at giving instruckshuns.
Wow, your Mommy is very talented. Our Mommy didn't install any of the fans at the old house (we don't have any yet at the new house). She got Lisa's husband Joel to do it and then Grandpa to do the other because she's afraid of electricity.
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