Life is my litterbox ... Grab the SCOOP!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

More info ...

In thirty days, Mom is chaperoning an overnighter to the HOUSE OF MOUSE ... Disneyland.  She goes just about efurry year with her school's senior class.  This year's event is on Thursday, May 22.

THIS year, she's bringin' our Great-uncle Jerry (of Seattle) along as her chaperone partner (two responsible adults have to ride each bus an' get the kids through the bag/body search at the entrance).  Mom ordered a first-class round-trip plane ticket for him ... he's never flown first-class an' he's never been to the HOUSE OF MOUSE ... in his entire life.  If you remember, he turned the big SIX-OH last month, so this trip is an extra-special one.

We don't get to go on the trip, but we do get to spend some time with our uncle.  We've never met him, but we did smell him on Mom's luggage when she visited more than eighteen months ago for our great-great-cousin's 90th birthday party in August of 2006.

Our uncle has a kitty named Nimrod.  He doesn't get to come an' visit us.  Sigh.

So, to wrap it up ... we're not goin' to the HOUSE OF MOUSE.  We can't give any of those mousies the bitey.  There's not luggage to stow away inside.  We're more than just a little bit bummed 'cuz we can't say, "We're goin' to DISNEYLAND!"


Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Yer "Great-Uncle" is (only) 60? Oh mouse-droppings, I feel OLD!

The Big Thing

Jimmy Joe said...

Hmmm, maybe you'll get a stuffed mouse to bunny-kick!!!
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

meemsnyc said...

Oooooh, you're mom is lucky. HOUSE OF MOUSE!!!! We are jealous.

Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...

Didz some cat say mousie??? A BIG mousie!!! Yay!!!!

Simba and Jazzi said...

I'm sure you'll gave a great time.

Simba xx

Anonymous said...

Mom's been to the House of Mouse about a million times, and she says it's pretty cool. But they wouldn't let you give any mousie biteys, so you may as well stay home and nap.

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

deer dmm,
i know frum da past dat yer mom goez wid da senior class onna trip. mi mom wishez dat she cood go wid her stoodentz to da mowse howse.
dat wood be fun.
pee ess--did u get yer squillion?

Monty Q. Kat said...

Maybe you can do the sock cat transmogrification like Angus did?

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Your Mom is very nice to your Uncle. I still think you guys deserve to go though..

Daisy said...

First class is the way to fly! I'll bet you will have fun meeting your Great-uncle Jerry.

admin said... of mouse! hmmm....dun forget to introduce us to them:)

Jans Funny Farm said...

Well, that's a bummer. If anyone should go to the House of Mouse, it should be YOU!

We hope they have a good trip --- but we also hope you have a really good time with your uncle.

Liss said...

Aww, poor babies. You make sure your mom brings you back a nice gift ;)

Disneyland is great. But, you might not like it. That giant human-size mouse can be intimidating.