Efurryone knows that cats are the best at finding great places to sleep, so I've written a run-down of the best places in my house to catch eleventy-squillion winks while Mom is out playin' at her job (and earnin' money for our Temptations®, Eukanuba®, and Sheba®).
1. On Mom's buckwheat husk pillow on her bed
2. Behind Mom's wicker chair with my back against the closet door
3. The back of the sofa
4. Curled up inside the afghan Mom got for her sixteenth birthday ... but only after makin' some SERIOUS biscuits first
5. In the "executive" chair in the computer room
6. Behind the flat panel monitor (don't ask me HOW or WHY)
7. The carpet in front of the grandfather clock in the living room
8. Any of the dining room chairs ... trés comfy
9. My tiny rug on the stone hearth in front of MY fireplace
10. The headrest of the La-Z-Boy
11. The laundry basket atop piping hot towels
12. Any of the carpeted perches on either of the cat condos
But my favorite place to catch a catnap is ...
13. On grand-dad's lap when HE'S takin' a nap, too!
Those are some good spots, DaisyMae. My sister Pixie loves to sleep on fresh laundry too, especially the towels.
That's a wonderful list DaisyMae!!! Lots of warmth in them.
Luf, Us
What great napping spots you have! We like some of those same types of places too!
China Cat & Willow
We have a few good places around here too, lists of napping places are the best.
great spots indeed! happy TT!
Well now I'm just sleepy. I need to hang out with you, you've got great snuggly spots!
*yawn*...was someone talking about napping?
good, warm and cozy spots, dmm. enjoy your drowsing.
i yoosed to like to sleep on mi mom an dad'z bed ... but since mi noo brudder matsui took over ... i prefer da chair in da basement.
ooooh - nummber 11! our fave-rit.
We luf napping on Mom's lap the best, so we know what your talkin about. We luf those laser beam eyes too ~Merlin, Shadow, Ko Ko
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