Here are some pictures of
Skeeter and LC enjoyin' the presents that we sent to them for The Big Thing's birthday. We sent some cans of stinky goodness that we like (Natural Balance and ProPlan Selects), some treats from Greenies and Pounce, some bouncy ping-pong balls to skitter around on those gorgeous hardwood floors (We LOVE the ones that
Puff and Spot sent to us, so we got Mom to buy some of the same kind! Clever, huh?), and two SQUILLIONS that just happen to be döppelgangers of
Skeeter and LC!
The Big Thing took pictures with the flashy thing for us so that we could show
Skeeter and LC to all of our furriends in the blogosphere!
Here are the treats that we sent all the way to the East Coast!

This is LC givin' all of the treats a big sniff and introducin' herself to the Squillions!

And here's Skeeter doin' the same ... Notice how the flashy thing made his tail look furry wild and cool!

Be sure to stop by their bloggie and pay 'em a visit! You can find
Skeeter and LC here!
verree thotful giftz, dmm.
i'm wunderin abowt da miniachur squillionz. ware did u get dem?
luv--yer frend--jh
Sweet dmm! what a nice surprise to see you visiting me. I think I will enjoy our furrrrenship. You are so pretty....that Maukie almost looks as pretty as you....but not quite:)
Purrrrrs from miss Peach
That was very nice of you. It sounds like they REALLY enjoyed the gifts!
Pawesome gifts for the Big Thing! You are so sweet!
We luf your new squillions!
Luf, Us
Wow, what great presents! Pounce and squillions to play with, too.
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
you're so generous and thoughtful, dmm!
will you ask your mom where she got the squillions? my mama wants one and doesn't know where to find them.
WE like those squillions. They are realy cool. We would love a squilllion or two or four.
These were great gifties you sent. how very sweet!
You are a great kitty for a friend.
We really enjoy your bloggie
Your little squillions look like the little squillions that Virginger had. Did they come from the Green Walls shelter?
What cool gifts! Gandalf had to paw at the screen. He's helping me and Mommy with the bloggie today.
Derby ... YES! The Squillions did come from the Green Walls Shelter (if you mean "Walgreens" like I think that you do). Mom and Grandma ran a successful mission to rescue all of the Squillions in San Diego County (and a couple in Riverside County, too). Mom and Grandma rescued about forty (includin' a couple of woofies) ... Mom will be adoptin' them out to bloggin' kitties in June.
We visited Skeeter and LC as you instructed, DaisyMae. They had a SNAKE in their yard.
hey - we got those Squillions in the Green Wall Shelters here too! the Lady saw 'em the other day, but was in a big hurry and didn't rescue them. we're gonna send her back to get 'em.
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