Today's Thursday Thirteen will be:
Mom finally downloaded the photos from the flashy box so that we could share our Secret Paws pictures from Christmouse Day! Yay!
("In my own defense, I have had a really horrible sinus infection for the past week and downloading photos hasn't been utmost on my priorities list" ... Mom).
Editor's Note: We don't know who Cocoa Puff's Secret Paw was ... So there's no post from him.
1. Charmee had been guarding the Secret Paws packages since they'd been delivered by Joe ... the man in the bloo shorts ... an' by "Hot Stuff" ... the guy in the brown shorts who Mom thinks is cute.

2.Christmouse FINALLY arrived an' Charmee announced the "opening of the Secret Paws" ...
"Hey! Guys! It's time!
Efurryone hurry!
We're openin' the Secret Paws!!!"

3. Charmee's Secret Paw was Midnight.

4. There was lots of terrific shredded paper in the box! Yay! Shredded paper is a whole lot of fun to play in!

9. Pumpkin's Secret Paw was a bunny! His name is Rabbie Burns an' he's furry pretty. Thank you, Rabbie Burns!!! Would you be my NOMS Special Friend? I've never known a bunny before.

11. Both Sparky Fuzzypants an' Pumpkin got pretty blue snuggles. As you can see, the color looks fabulous against our pretty fur.

12. DaisyMae's Secret Paws were our furry own cousins, Zoey an' the Furballs w/ Cha-Ching, too! Thank you, Zoey & the Furballs!!!

13. There was a present for Mom, too. A pretty kitty cat necklace from Mom's cousins, Kirsten & Matt. Thank you, Kirsten and Matt. I like the necklace very much and have gotten many compliments!

We also wanna say "THANK YOU" to Miz Allie Cat who sent a furry cute magnet in the holiday greetings that she sent to us ... and "THANK YOU" to efurryone who sent us holiday greetings (some even had photos of YOU inside).
This Christmouse was especially fun, 'cuz we got to send our furry own holiday greetings with coupons for Temptations inside (our foreign friends didn't get coupons 'cuz they weren't valid outside the U.S. ... sorry!).
We also sent some surprises in addition to our Secret Paws this holiday. We're furry glad that the surprises got to their destinations in one piece an' that efurryone liked 'em. That was fun.
Mom became FURRY popular at the post office. The post-mistress said, "Hey. I remember you! You're $202.35!"
Mom just smiled an' bought more stamps.
Hee, hee ...
Mom just smiled an' bought more stamps.
Hee, hee ...
Hi - I was Cocoa Puff's secret paws. Meowmy says she is relly sorry, but she just mailed them out- you shud be geting it on munday.
she needs to be fired as are slave.
What a great Christmas for the Feline Americans and their Mom! It looks as thougha good time was had by all!
Daisy Mae I am furry confused, I (Andrewbun of was supposed be your secret paws and I sent you gifts, I sent you temptations, 3 bags, and a kitty toy and a card with a picture of me, didn't u get it?
Andrew & Mom
Andrew Bun ... No package came. I'm furry confused 'cuz I got a box from my cousin ... Maybe she was just sendin' a Christmouse present. Hmmm ...
I sure hope you liked all your presents. The Lady shredded the paper herownself cause paper is way fun. Hope you got to pounce it lots. Purrrrrrs!
Oh, Midnight! That red an' green shredded paper was a HIT! Charmee pounced it lots an' lots ... It was loads of fun! Thank you (sez Charmee!!) ...
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