Mom put my harness an' lead on at 8 o'clock this morning an' trundled me over to the v-e-t to have my teefs cleaned. Since I'm sixteen, they did some kidney tests to make sure that efurrything was functioning properly ... an' other than some slightly elevated renal levels, I'm in furry good health for a geezer-ette.
The whole day of dentistry cost Mom a little over $300 green papers. I'm still groggy an' they shaved my right leg(!), so I have a Banfield bandage for another hour or so, but for the most part, I'm less worse for the wear.
I complained for some of the ride over (I serenaded Mom an' Grandma with my choicest an' bluest vocabulary ... Mom's not fond of "Me-yeowwwwwwuullllfffff" screamed at the top of my feline lungs), but was on my best behavior when I was weighed (10.4 lbs including harness an' lead), had my temperature taken
(ouch!), an' had my pee an' blood
stolen. I wasn't furry happy when I had my furs shaved ... Overall, the stabby place wasn't terrible.
Then ... Mom ... left ... me ... An' went out to breakfast with Grandma.
They had bacon.In the mid-afternoon, I was still really groggy ... excellent anesthesia on par to maybe a Grateful Dead concert ... an' wobbly, but my hearing was just fine. Big woofies were there when Mom was payin' the bill: A black ball-of-annoyance that weighed the same as me; a white puff-ball that weighed eighteen pounds (but I coulda taken him with one set of nubby clawrs tied behind my back), a fifty-one pound stripy pitbull girlie who'd recently had puppies an' had the attitude of a bent trash-can lid, an' then a GINORMOUS yellow lab girlie named Lady who musta weighed
eleventy-squillion pounds an' had to wear a pink Halty on her nose 'cuz she was LOUDER than
Mao ...
Skeezix's brother.
While I was having my teefs cleaned, Mom dosed all of the Feline Americans with Feline Advantage 'cuz she paid for me to have some while under anesthesia (since I don't like havin' it put on) ... Mom DOESN'T wanna get any fleas in the house an' it seems like other "patients" aren't so careful 'bout pests like we are.
The v-e-t said that my back teefs looked pretty bad with all of that plaque and tartar on 'em. She even thought that she'd have to extract some of 'em! But once the calculus was removed, my teefs were BEAUTIFUL an' very healthy! Ta da!
I was so happy to see Mom an' Grandma ... They carried me in a twill bag rather than in the PTU an' I didn't pee on ANYTHING! Are you proud of me? On the way outta the store, Mom's former student aide, Stefany, saw me an' got to pet me on the melon. Stefany is a cashier an' she's wanted to meet me for years! I am famous!
So now I'm home an' less groggy. I've eaten some Temptations an' had a drink of water. I've even been to the 'box, but I haven't had to go much since my tummy's pretty empty.
I'll let you know how I'm feelin' tomorrow when I'm mostly back to normal ...
Oh, an' Mom bought my Halloween costume today ... Bast!