One year ago, on October 6, 2013, Toffee was adopted from PetSmart on Main Street in Chula Vista, California. She had come from a kill shelter. After her original owner had died from cancer, the man's daughter hadn't wanted her and dumped her at a 'shelter' where she was doomed. Joanie noticed her uniquely Maine Cooniness and brought her to PetSmart where she languished in her plexiglass display prison for a very long time until we met that fateful Sunday and I fell in love with her little foxy face and the little smear of orinch atop her forehead. Her name was 'Frieda' ... She immediately became Toffee Kyoot Ripple Fuzzypants in honor of Feline Americans Fudge Ripple and Sparky Fuzzypants ... and the blogosphere icon Skeezix the Cat.
She has come such a long way in a year. She's still timid and skittish, but she knows her name and where she sleeps .. and who loves her. She knows when it's 5:00 PM because that means 'cat dinner' is coming. She isn't that talkative, but she does chatter when she sees me after I've been at work or out shopping.
I know that her life is better because I am in it. I hope that SHE knows that MY life is better because she's in it, too.
Happy Gotcha Day to my 'Fee ... I love you, Monkey Girl!