The Feline Americans and I compete against each other for the coveted trophy, goody bag of fabulous swag, and the honor of being named "Housecat of the Quarter." Mom holds an awards banquet for us four times each year and today was the Summer Quarter "Day of Honor": 9/9 (She also holds banquets on 3/3, 6/6, and 12/12).
Tonight's banquet menu included a succulent combination of Sheba Blue Fin Tuna paté and Fancy Feast Elegant Medleys Yellowfin Tuna with delicate greens (Mom said that it was called "Florentine"). Our beverage was Culligan filtered water with just enough ice cubes ... Yum. Deliciously decadent.

Mom keeps track of our behavior each quarter, grades us on our individual merits and general "cattiness", and then makes the announcement. Apparently, Lucky Charmz scored the highest marks for sweetness, tummy rubbing availability, litter box neatness, purring, and conversation. He lost a few points for biting, spilling beverages, and not sharing (toys, treats).

Lucky Charmz's Bio
Age: 3 years
Gotcha Day: June 20, 2003
Breed: Siamese Mix
Coloration: Bicolor (white with brown spots)
Nicknames: Audience Participation Charmz, Nippies, Mr. Charmz, Charmee, Prince Charming, Billy Bunn-Kiss, Mr. C, Mom's Blue-Eyed Wonder, Foo Phooey

Likes: Toys ... lots and lots of toys, silicone "cause" bracelets, climbing up high, spilling stuff, boxes, hoarding toys, treats, balancing on top of the front door
Pet-Peeves: Bread on the refrigerator (gets in the way of climbing), Mom on the phone
Favorite Toy: Laser beam pen ... followed by cheap elastic-lined fishing poles, the Alpine scratcher, jingle bell balls, silicone "cause" bracelets for fetching, and catnip Eeeeeks!
Favorite Nap Spot: Above the cupboards overlooking the great room, the back of the LaZ-Boy
Favorite Food: Eukanuba kibbles, Sheba grilled chicken or bluefin tuna
Favorite Treat: Temptations Seafood Medley, Feline Greenies in salmon
Skills: Mental telepathy and can tell time! He likes to participate in loading the dishwasher/oven/dryer and finding leaks (refrigerator, sink, etc.), hunts (and eats) bugs, can detect an ant invasion.

Dwells: Indoors, naturally!
The Earliest Memory: It was Mom's parents' anniversary. She had arrived home from supervising graduation. The parents were getting ready to leave when I was spotted under their SUV. I was nearly squished! They pronounced me "lucky" and a keeper. I held still when I was washed in the sink and actually seemed to like water (don't try to bathe me now ... you'll get fileted). I have blue eyes just like Mom. She called me her "Prince Charming." I can tell that I'm her favorite ... I get away with everything.
Personal comment: I love toys. I love boxes. I love naps on grandpa's lap. I love warm clothes for burrowing. I've tasted orange juice, but didn't think much of it. Mom christened her kayak the "Foo Phooey" after me.
In honor of his achievement, Lucky Charmz gets his name engraved on the "Housecat of the Quarter" perpetual trophy.
The 'HotQ' Bag O'Swag included:
A new pink Eeeeek! and some Whisker City catnip (From his Aunt Marisol)

A dozen "cat-fishing" toys (Lucky loves to play "cat fishin'", but he's really rough on these toys).
Mom buys them at Wal*Mart for 92¢ each and stocks up whenever she can!
Don't tell Lucky!
A BRAND NEW Alpine Scratching Post!
And a case of Sheba Feline Paté in all of his favorite flavors (but he has to share with the Feline Americans and me) ... Perhaps forcing him to share will help him to earn more points in the "sharing" category next time. Oh, wait! This may backfire! I wanna win "Housecat of the Quarter" ...