Life is my litterbox ... Grab the SCOOP!

Saturday, February 10, 2007

The 300th post is comin' soon ...

Wow. I guess that I'll have to have another CONTEST 'cuz I'm nearing my 300th post.

You can venture your guess in the comments section of THIS post. Make sure that your guess is Pacific Time.

Any fluffy (or feathery or scaly) can guess: Multi-pet households can leave a guess for each pet SO LONG AS YOU HAVE A BLOG that I can visit.

The deadline is 12:01 AM PST on Monday, February 19th, 2007 (Presidents' Day)

The winner may chose ONE of the following as his/her prize:

A. A Temptations® Prize pack (like Midnight won on my 200th post contest)

B. A genuine Whirly Bird® exercise toy with two replacement birdies

C. A snack and toy prize pack of assorted items if you're a woofie, birdie, bunny, ferret, rat, hamster, fishy**, TURTLES, or reptile (so Mystery can guess, too!).

**NOTE: Fishies only get ONE guess per tank 'cuz I'd be counting guesses for the duration of my nine lives if EACH fishy got a separate guess.

I'm not trying to be species-ist, but I gotta draw the line somewhere.

Good Luck, Efurrybody!

I hope that I get more guesses than I did last time (when only seven cats guessed ... I felt furry unloved. Sniff ...)

PS: I reserve the right to change the conditions and/or prizes in this contest at will, but with a good reason.


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

February 20th, 7:12 PM PST

Anonymous said...

2-22 at 2:22 PM

Anonymous said...

2-19 at 8:00 PM

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Midnight can guess if she wants to ... Just because she won the last one doesn't disqualify her from winnin' again if she guesses correctly!

Anonymous said...

2-23 at 6;45 PM

Anonymous said...

thank you!

Anonymous said...

2-21 at 7:15 PM
Fred & George, the Swimmy Turtles

we're gonna go tell the Blogsosphere...

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

KEWL! Midnight made a guess and so did FRED and GEORGE, the Swimmy Turtles! We've never had turtles visit here before!

Skeezix the Cat said...

Feb 28th at 7:02 am. I wunt the Whirlyberd becuz that psyko stray cat Tripper keeps eeting mine up and gitting his spit all over the berdie.

Rocky the Gutter Cat said...

I gess 3/04 at 7am. PST

And cood I git sum good luvvin as a prize???

Anonymous said...

My offishul gess is 2/25 at 6:55 am. Yoo can send me the Temptayshuns prize, thankyoovarymuch.

OreotheCat said...

Hmmmmmmmmmmmm...ill just have to guess February 23, 6:23 bloggy is many prizes to choose from.....ill have to say the Whirly Bird toy...Abby hasn't been shopping to buy me any new toys since November!
Thanks for letting me enter and for having a contest!

Daisy said...

My guess is Valentine's day!
2/14/06 at 8:00 am pacific time.

Lux said...

Okay, I'm guessing 2/24 at 7:00 p.m.

Jake and Bathsheba said...

Hi my spicy vixen Valentine DaisyMae! You've been busy with a lot of posts this weekend!

For your 300th, I guess 2/20 at 6:30 p.m.


I guess 2/24 at 10 a.m.


Unknown said...

Dazey says 3/2/07 @ 7:18 PM (in your time zone)

Jesse says 3/4 9:07 PM

Cloudie says 3/8 @ 10:03 PM

Tara said...

Ok, I guess 2/23 at 9:15 pm PST.


Spirit and Ezra said...

Spirit sez... 2/21 at 6:47 PM

Ezra sez... 2/17 at 4:19 PM

Sammy the Hammy sez... 2/15 at 5:43 pm

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Ooo ... goodie! Lots of guesses. Keep 'em comin' ... There's less than a week left!

amy and the bad cats said...

we guess as follows:

bandit 2/25 at 7:04 pm

bat 2/26 at 7:07 am

holly 2/24 at 3:27 pm

our blog is at

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

I am gonna guess 2/26 at 1:15 pm.

Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

Okey dokey... I guess 27 Feb, 6:15pm Pacific Time (your Pacific, not my Pacific!). And I'd like the Temp-tay-shuns, cause I've heard so much about them.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

February 15th at 7:00 a.m.~Zippy
February 16th at 12:45 p.m.~Sadie (Hi DaisyMae!)
Huh, what, wate, yoo woke me to what? Oh, o.k., um February 19th at um 7 sumthing a.m., can I go back to sleep now. Thank yoo~Speedy