Life is my litterbox ... Grab the SCOOP!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Leavin' on a 'plane to Jet City ... again

Seattle clip art credit: ABKL Designs

Mom is leavin' today for a trip to Seattle. She won't be back for nearly TWO weeks, so we're bein' "cat sat" by our Uncle James. He's not furry good at litter box/smashin' the stinky goodness in the bowls/keepin' the cup filled with ice/vacuumin', so you're all gonna hafta pray for our health an' safety 'til Mom gets back an' things go back-to-normal.

The house-trashin' party will start at 12:30 PM (which is just after the drivin' to the airport guy drives off with Mom). We'll supply Temptations an' stinky goodness, but someone else will hafta bring the stuff for 'niptinis 'cuz Mom doesn't drink (so there's none of that stuff in the house). Oh, Miles an' Sammy (an' Billy Sweet Feets Gingersnap, of course): Mom stocked up on toilet paper, so there's LOTS for unrollin'!!!

Oh, an' when she comes back, Mom BETTER HAVE A SMOKED SALMON FOR US 'cuz she "forgot" last time ...


Simba and Jazzi said...

I hope your Mummy has a safe journey and brings home the smoked salmon.

Simba x

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Best of luck survivin Uncle James...

We are telportin ofer some HAM an NIP...

The Devil Dog said...

We hope your mom has a lot of fun. GOod luck with Uncle James. Is there any broccoli at this party? We'll be there with bells on!


Gemini and Ichiro said...

Sneak up to our house trashing while the Woman is gone and you can maybe sneak around and scare your person too! Two birds with one stone! :)

The Crew said...

(looks around & whispers) Is she gone yet? Is it safe to come in and start trashin'?

Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...

Uh.. knock knock? Iz it safe to haul in dis 156 pound sam-mun? I brought it speshul fur yur partee!
Say, if your momee gets to Ory-gun, she can almostee see us!

Nomi said...

A house twashing !! Yeahh. Well, it will help make up for the cat sitter's deficiencies wont it ?

Chesney Cats said...

Is there any trashin left to do?? Mama always gets on the puter too late.

Hugs & Purrs,
Sammy, Festus & Emma

Skeezix the Cat said...

Thare are too many howse trashin parties goin on this weekend!!!!! But we'll try to sqweeze yoo in!