Life is my litterbox ... Grab the SCOOP!

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Toffee's Resolutions for 2015

Since dis is MINE blog, I am making MINE resolutions for 2015 ...

1.  Blog more.  Make more postings 'bout mine activities an' ME!

2.  BISIT more of the blogs of mine furriends.

3.  EAT more treats an' Fancy Feast Broths.  New flavors wif chick-hen are coming in 2015 an' I want dem for ME!

4.  CUDDLE more 'cause I am a furry good cuddler.  The Lady says that I am!

5.  Blog for PEACE.

6.  Send lots of holiday cards like I did in 2014.  The man in the bloo shorts said that I have many, many furriends.  I do.

7.  Purrticipate in Secret Paws again ... for my THIRD time.

8.  Play wif more toys.  I have lots an' lots of toys an' the Lady says that I could play wif them ... They are MINE toys.

9.  Use up all of the green litter box bags so that I can get PURPLE ones.  I use mine litter box a whole bunch an' I habs green litter box bags for scooping.

10.  Learn to get up on laps, eat bacon, an' let the grandma lady and grandpa man pets me wifout shivering.  The big uncle is too scary.

This is mine checklist.  I wanna try deese fings ober the next twelve monphs.



Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Grreat resolutions for 2015 !
Wish you a Happy New Year :)

Random Felines said...

those are very good resolutions.... we can't wait to see your adventures in 2015

The Swiss Cats said...

Great resolutions ! Good luck ! Happy New Year and all the best for 2015 ! Purrs

Summer said...

Toffee, I am sure you'll get to do ALL those things in 2015!

Zoey and the furballs said...

Toffee, you are too adorable!, be sure to let your cousin pet you too?

Mr Puddy said...

Sweet Toffee, You are sooooo cute !
Your outfit tells me , you are ready to this...with me :)
Hoo Ray for 2015 !
Lot of love


Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

LOVED all the resolutions!

Happy New Year to you. We are late catching up... We all slept really late.

Just Ducky said...

You gots lots of resolutions, I am just going to wing it!

Thanks for your kind words and card for Derby.

Just Ducky

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World of Animals, Inc. said...

Thanks for sharing your great resolutions. Looks like you have everything planned out for a better kitty year. Now that photo of you with the bow on your head is just too adorable. Have a wonderful day.
World of Animals